Business & IP Centre Devon

Want to Be Your Own Boss but Not Sure Where to Start? Ask An Expert!

Did you know that BIPC Devon has a team of small business experts that can advise you on how to take those next steps? You can book a free 1-1 with any of our experts and bring your business-related questions to us. We can help you unpick where to start with naming your business, marketing, websites, accounting and finance, how to secure funding, and so much more!

Our team of friendly experts include:

We’ve helped dozens of people across Devon to launch their new business or move forwards with an existing one, whether you make fudge or fine art, we have free resources available to you!

Want to know where to set up your gift shop? You’ll need to do some market research, we can help you to make a start! We have access to Local Data Online, which provides localised information on high streets, cities and towns, with a focus on retail and leisure. You can see overviews, demographics, occupancy/vacancy changes and gap analyses for a particular place, or compare the location of key brands. Find out more here:

Not sure whether you’ve ticket all the legal boxes for your business industry? Access COBRA, the complete business reference advisor, free, through your local library! Find out more here:

If you have general business questions, why not pop into our Business Information Drop-Ins at Exeter Library, every Wednesday, 2-3 pm.

We can also offer Zoom calls, so, wherever you are, whatever your business, just ask! It can be a lonely world starting a business on your own, contact us now to find out what support might be available to you.

BIPC Devon is for Devon-based entrepreneurs, inventors, start-ups and small-medium businesses who want to learn and grow. Whether you’re a complete novice with an idea for a business, or a small business looking for help in a particular area, BIPC Devon provides access to information and resources which can help your business to thrive and grow. 

Most of our services are free of charge and many are available online. Find out more about us by browsing our social media and Eventbrite page, or email us at

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