Our NEW Advanced Business Boost Starts Soon!
It’s not long now before our Advanced Business Boost course kicks off, starting on the 4th of November!
We have an exciting line-up, with James Court of Boost Your Business Network hosting a six-week series of workshops in Newton Abbot Library, alongside workshops and events hosted by many other experts. This course, aimed at start-ups and businesses who need more specialist guidance, will leave you with renewed inspiration to further your business goals.
James Court will be hosting the first of his core sessions with an informative first look at changing your business goals. If you have followed a pattern in your start-up or business that you want to change, but need to know how to realistically implement new goals whilst managing a team, James will help steer you in the right direction.
It’ll be a fantastic opportunity to recentre your business, with time to network after the event with like-minded peers about your takeaways from the session. Hopefully, you’ll leave the workshop making valuable connections that will extend beyond the course!
Please come to as many sessions as you can attend, whether that’s in person or online. Check out our full programme on Eventbrite, and book while tickets last.
Save the Date! Your Invitation to Eat, Meet, XMAS Greet!
We’re inviting you to a special evening at our Eat, Meet, XMAS Greet held at Passage House Hotel on the 13th of December!
Whether you’re a sole trader, a start-up, or a limited company, you’re welcome to bring your best Christmas jumpers and jokes to our celebration of Devon’s diverse range of businesses. We’ll be joined by guests from Libraries Unlimited, the Chambers of Commerce, and Teignbridge District Council.
The evening starts at 7pm. Our special guest, James Court, will be there to kick off the evening as our compère and put everyone in the best holiday spirit. You’ll be able to tuck in to a fantastic festive dinner at 8pm, with plenty of activities afterwards to carry on the cheer, from the private bar to Passage House’s in-house DJ. One of the highlights will be a grand charity auction where participants will have the chance to win exclusive goods and services from visiting businesses.
Tickets are £40 each for regular guests, with a £5 discount for any members of Libraries Unlimited, Devon’s Chambers of Commerce, or Teignbridge District Council networks. Members of Libraries Unlimited include anyone from staff members to owners of a library card. If you feel you are eligible, please email us at bipc@librariesunlimited.org.uk and we will provide you with the discount code. Tickets will sell out quickly, so book now to avoid disappointment.

Our Boost Your Start-Up Course Concludes!
We’ve recently come to the end of our Boost Your Start-Up course! These past seven weeks have been fantastic. It’s been great to see start-ups of all shapes and sizes engaging with our workshops and making those valuable connections. They benefitted a lot from our speakers, especially James Court as his workshops were massively successful, but also other entrepreneurs who looked for advice in the various stages of starting up their businesses.
For those who couldn’t come or those who are curious about viewing our course materials online, recordings are available on our courses page for you to watch, along with our other webinars where appropriate.

Identify & Protect your Intellectual Property Webinar
BAME Start-Up Grant is still open!
- Did you know that our BAME grant has re-opened for applications?
- The BAME Grant offers up to £500 of business support to founders from the BAME community.
- Get your application soon while spaces last!

Book your business 1:1s at Exeter Library!
Are you looking to start a business but don’t know where to start?
BIPC Devon are delighted to offer bookable Business Information 1:1s at Exeter Library. We will help you access the general business information you are looking for using our COBRA database. We will also show you how to use COBRA so you are confident to be able to conduct future research yourself.
To book a 1:1 appointment, email us on bipc@librariesunlimited.org.uk, or use the ‘contact us’ button on our website. Tell us where you are based, your business idea, the information you are looking for, and some times/dates suitable for you, and we will contact you to confirm a time/date with you.