Business & IP Centre Devon

Tag: Databases

How to Research your Business Idea with COBRA

An introduction to COBRA (Complete Business Reference Adviser) available from home with your Devon or Torbay Libraries card. Are you in the early stages of starting up your business? Trying to get to grips with what you need to know before you launch or expand? Whether you’re setting up as a chocolatier or a cobbler, a marketing consultant or a music tutor, COBRA provides user-friendly online guides that will take you through the essentials – qualifications and skills, market issues and trends, trading and commercial issues, and the legislation you’ll need to comply with in your chosen field. You’ll also find practical fact-sheets on different aspects of running your small business – everything from keeping a cash book, or choosing an accountant, to checklists for buying a shop or employing staff for the first time. This session will introduce you to COBRA, show you what’s available, and help you access the resource from home. There’ll be plenty of opportunity to ask questions, so you get the information you need from the session. This workshop is being delivered remotely. If you have any additional requirements, please let us know and we’ll do our best to help.

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How to Research your Business Idea with COBRA

An introduction to COBRA (Complete Business Reference Adviser) Guides, available from home with your Devon or Torbay Libraries card. Are you in the early stages of starting up your business? Trying to get to grips with what you need to know before you launch or expand? Whether you’re setting up as a chocolatier or a cobbler, a marketing consultant or a music tutor, COBRA provides user-friendly online guides that will take you through the essentials – qualifications and skills, market issues and trends, trading and commercial issues, and the legislation you’ll need to comply with in your chosen field. You’ll also find practical fact-sheets on different aspects of running your small business – everything from keeping a cash book, or choosing an accountant, to checklists for buying a shop or employing staff for the first time. This session will introduce you to COBRA, show you what’s available, and help you access the resource from home. There’ll be plenty of opportunity to ask questions, so you get the information you need from the session. This workshop is being delivered remotely. If you have any additional requirements, please let us know and we’ll do our best to help.

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Finding Funding for Your Business with Grantfinder

An introduction to the GrantFinder database for Devon-based businesses: find the funding you need to help your business or charity thrive Whether you’re a small business, a charity, a social enterprise, or even an individual, funding can be vital to your success. This session will introduce you to GrantFinder, a large database that allows you to search for grants, loans or other funding opportunities specific to your needs as a UK-based organisation. In this session, we’ll look at searching making your results more relevant saving your results If you already use GrantFinder, you may have noticed the new look! We’ll be using this session to show you exactly how the new interface can work for you. GrantFinder have allowed us to provide access to the database from home to small businesses and charities, based locally in Devon. Booking/Joining information This is a Zoom webinar. The joining link will be sent to you, via email, 2 hours before the session. If there’s anything we can do to help you access the session more easily, please contact us on, and we’ll do our best to help.

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Finding Funding: An Introduction to Grantfinder

An introduction to the GrantFinder database for Devon-based businesses: find the funding you need to help your business or charity thrive Whether you’re a small business, a charity, a social enterprise, or even an individual, funding can be vital to your success. This session will introduce you to GrantFinder, a large database that allows you to search for grants, loans or other funding opportunities specific to your needs as a UK-based organisation. In this session, we’ll look at searching making your results more relevant saving your results If you already use GrantFinder, you may have noticed the new look! We’ll be using this session to show you exactly how the new interface can work for you. GrantFinder have allowed us to provide access to the database from home to small businesses and charities, based locally in Devon. Booking/Joining information This is a Zoom webinar. The joining link will be sent to you, via email, 2 hours before the session. If there’s anything we can do to help you access the session more easily, please contact us on, and we’ll do our best to help.

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Finding Funding: An Introduction to Grantfinder

An introduction to the GrantFinder database for Devon-based businesses: find the funding you need to help your business or charity thrive Whether you’re a small business, a charity, a social enterprise, or even an individual, funding can be vital to your success. This session will introduce you to GrantFinder, a large database that allows you to search for grants, loans or other funding opportunities specific to your needs as a UK-based organisation. In this session, we’ll look at searching making your results more relevant saving your results If you already use GrantFinder, you may have noticed the new look! We’ll be using this session to show you exactly how the new interface can work for you. GrantFinder have allowed us to provide access to the database from home to small businesses and charities, based locally in Devon. Booking/Joining information This is a Zoom webinar. The joining link will be sent to you, via email, 2 hours before the session. If there’s anything we can do to help you access the session more easily, please contact us on, and we’ll do our best to help.

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Bedroom to Business: Starting your Market Research with BIPC Devon (ONLINE)

Discover the tools & resources, available in Devon and across the UK’s Business & IP Centre Network, to help you start your market research Understanding your market can make the difference between success and failure in a business that’s starting up. In this session, we’ll look at How market research can help your business Key resources available in local libraries in the UK through Business & IP Centre Devon (and the wider Business & IP Centre network). These include COBRA start-up guides, IBISWorld industry reports, Statista… and much more! Primary research – the next step. There’ll be plenty of opportunity to ask questions throughout. This event is part of our Bedroom to Business Course, to sign up for the other events in the course go to: Please send any questions you have prior to the session to About Rachel Rachel Oakes is BIPC Devon’s Information Specialist. A Chartered Librarian, with a background in business information in both academic and public libraries, she has also run her own small business. Booking/Joining information Zoom webinar – details will be sent to you 2 hours before the session via email. The session will be recorded for BIPC Devon’s archive. You are

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Finding Funding: An Introduction to Grantfinder

An introduction to the GrantFinder database for Devon-based businesses: find the funding you need to help your business or charity thrive Whether you’re a small business, a charity, a social enterprise, or even an individual, funding can be vital to your success. This session will introduce you to GrantFinder, a large database that allows you to search for grants, loans or other funding opportunities specific to your needs as a UK-based organisation. In this session, we’ll look at searching making your results more relevant saving your results If you already use GrantFinder, you may have noticed the new look! We’ll be using this session to show you exactly how the new interface can work for you. GrantFinder have allowed us to provide access to the database from home to small businesses and charities, based locally in Devon. Booking/Joining information This is a Zoom webinar. The joining link will be sent to you, via email, 2 hours before the session. If there’s anything we can do to help you access the session more easily, please contact us on, and we’ll do our best to help.

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Finding Funding: An Introduction to Grantfinder

An introduction to the GrantFinder database to help you find the funding you need to turn your ideas into a thriving business Whether you’re a small business, a charity, a social enterprise, or even an individual, funding can be vital to your success. This session will introduce you to GrantFinder, a large database that allows you to search for grants, loans or other funding opportunities specific to your needs as a UK-based organisation. In this session, we’ll look at searching making your results more relevant saving your results If you already use GrantFinder, you may have noticed the new look! We’ll be using this session to show you exactly how the new interface can work for you. GrantFinder have allowed us to provide access to the database from home to small businesses and charities, based locally in Devon. Booking/Joining information This is a Zoom webinar. The joining link will be sent to you, via email, 2 hours before the session. If there’s anything we can do to help you access the session more easily, please contact us on, and we’ll do our best to help.

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Starting your Market Research

Discover the range of resources available to help you start your market research, all free of charge through BIPC Devon Understanding your market can make the difference between success and failure in a business that’s starting up. In this session, we’ll look at How market research can help your business Key resources available through Business & IP Centre Devon (and the wider network). These include COBRA start-up guides, IBISWorld industry reports, Statista… and much more! Primary research – the next step. There’ll be plenty of opportunity to ask questions throughout. About Rachel Rachel Oakes is Business & IP Centre Devon’s Information Specialist. A Chartered Librarian, with a background in business information in both academic and public libraries, she has also run her own small business. Booking/Joining information Zoom webinar – details will be sent to you 2 hours before the session via email. The session will be recorded for BIPC Devon’s archive. You are free to leave your cameras on or turn them off as you prefer. There will be a chance to ask questions during the session, which you can do via video/audio or by using the Zoom chat function. If there is anything we can do to help

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Finding Funding: An Introduction to Grantfinder

An introduction to GRANTfinder database to help you find the funding you need to turn your ideas into a thriving business Whether you’re a small business, a charity, a social enterprise, or even an individual, funding can be vital to your success. This session will introduce you to GRANTfinder, a large database that allows you to search for grants, loans or other funding opportunities specific to your needs. In this session, we’ll look at searching making your results more relevant saving your results If you already use GRANTfinder, you may have noticed the new look! We’ll be using this session to show you exactly how the new interface can work for you! GRANTfinder have allowed us to provide temporary access to the database from home, with your Devon or Torbay Libraries card. After the session, we’ll contact you with a temporary password, so that you’re able to log in. This workshop is being delivered remotely. If you have any additional requirements, please let us know and we’ll do our best to help.

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